Our new Yorkshire Rose CC kit is now ready & items can be ordered via our online shop (see links below). The design has been refreshed whilst still keeping to club colours. As all the kit is made to order, there will be a lead time – so please think ahead to warmer months as well as your winter requirements.

The range consists of short sleeved jersey, gilet, bib & waist shorts, bib tights and a choice of 2 long sleeved jackets. All items in a range of sizes from XS to 4XL. Prices as at December 2021:

Short sleeved jersey £39.50
Gilet £38.99
Waist shorts £41.49
Bib shorts £50.75
Bib tights £50.99
Roubaix long sleeved jersey £45.75
Gabba jacket £93.75

Order here https://stimulussport.co.uk/yorkshire-rose-cc/ (check club Facebook Group for password). You will need to register before ordering, use the little ‘Register’ link at bottom right of that page, or go here https://stimulussport.co.uk/register/